Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Analysis Of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken

Critical Analysis on â€Å"The Road Not Taken† Why is it so common for people to regret the path they have chosen in life? Robert Frost attempts to answer this question throughout the poem by using many literary devices. In other terms, the poet is alluding to a lesson in everyones life; Once a path is being determined, it is inevitable to change the choices because they are in the past. The poet uses imagery to create a visual picture in the readers head of two paths in the woods with the freedom to take either one, but the poet also uses symbolism and repetition to really drive his message into the readers mind. The title â€Å"The Road Not Taken† symbolizes the different life that he could have had if he would have taken a different choice†¦show more content†¦The speaker effectively represents the imagery through a peculiar description of yellow woods. The speaker says, â€Å"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood† (line 1). The picture that the readers acquire from the word â€Å"yellow† is weary a nd uncertain. Think about the yellow part of a traffic light; The yellow light is the in between signal which either makes drivers go faster, or slow down. Therefore, it would have been more obvious if Frost used a different word like bright, but he did not mean for the poem to be cheerful. The poet has the ability to connect the image of a forest consisting of only yellow to create a specific mood which expresses the feeling of the speaker’s situation. The mood that the readers obtain from the imagery is unsure and certainly not enjoyable. The poet was successful to describe the wood as yellow because that color could easily be characterized as exciting or depressing, which depends on the reader to choose how they interpret the poem. The poet uses imagery and the color yellow to inform the readers of the uncertainty of his life. In addition to using imagery, Frost uses symbolism in this poem as well. The yellow symbolizes the uncertainty of the speaker’s decisions because yellow is an unclear color, especially when dealing with this poem. According to Art Therapy, yellow is typically a symbol of warning, optimism, fear, imagination, and uncertainty(â€Å"Art Therapy,Show MoreRelatedEssay about Critical Analysis of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken1228 Words   |  5 PagesCritical Analysis of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken The speaker in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken gives the reader insight into human nature with each line of poetry. While, Frost had not originally intended for this to be an inspirational poem, line by line, the speaker is encouraging each reader to seek out his or her own personal path in the journey of life. 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